About Carole Cascio

Carole Cascio of Kent Island, was born July 5, 1943, in Dade County, Florida. Carole moved to Maryland when she was 13.

Carole earned a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education (PE) from Towson State College (now Towson University) and a master’s degree from George Washington University where her emphasis was in Modern Dance. She was a Professor of Dance and PE at Goucher College before transferring to Essex Community College (now called Community College of Baltimore County) to coach the women’s lacrosse team. While at Essex, Carole created their dance department and was the Dance Department Chairperson from 1969 to 1996. She founded the college’s original dance company, Dimensional Dance Media (DDM) in 1974. Carole choreographed and directed DDM for many years.

Carole studied with Maida Withers, Don Redlich, Al Huang, and Bill Evans. Choreographic credits include: Towson University, George Washington University Goucher College, Essex and the Dance Construction Company in Washington D.C.

After retiring from Essex, Carole continued to share her knowledge and experience. Carole also devoted much of her time to her career as a painter and ceramist. She created many watercolors and clay works in her personal space, Lifesong Studio, a short walk from her home. She was always learning and experimenting with new ideas. Her work has been displayed and sold in galleries in Chestertown, Easton, and Annapolis. Carole was an active member of Kent Island Federation of Arts, ArtEast and Working Artists Forum in Easton. 

Carole also taught Pilates at the Kent Island Senior Center in Stevensville and at Chesapeake College for many years.

Robert Henri Quote
Quote 1 mobile
beauty and creativity in all forms


Red flowers_ watercolor by Carole Cascio

‘Red Flowers’ by Carole Cascio

‘Rapt in Color II’ by Carole Cascio

Red Plum leafs watercolor painting by Carole Cascio

‘Red Plum Leafs’ by Carole Cascio

Carole loved beauty and creativity in all forms. She and her husband, Andy Cascio, designed the landscape and gardens at her home. She loved all animals. She loved her cats, dogs, birds, horses and even a duck. Carole had a gift for connecting with animals as much as she did with people. She also was involved in supporting her community, judging at the 4-H fair and supporting fundraising for various organizations.

Carole’s warmth, caring and concern touched many people and her memory will live through all those that knew her. At the age of 78 Carole died in her home in Stevensville, Kent Island. In her will she left instructions to create the Carole Cascio Fund for Mind Movement Dance Connections. Her legacy as a professor of dance, a dance educator, professional dancer, a choreographer and a dance company director will live on through the foundation she has created.


Carole devoted much of her time to her career as a painter and ceramist. She created many watercolors and clay works in her personal space, Lifesong Studio, a short walk from her home. She was always learning and experimenting with new ideas.

Her work has been displayed and sold in galleries in Chestertown, Easton, and Annapolis. Carole was an active member of Kent Island Federation of Arts, ArtEast and Working Artists Forum in Easton. Carole also taught at Pilates at the Kent Island Senior Center in Stevensville and at Chesapeake College for many years.

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