Advisory Committee member Diana Curran and Melinda Blomquist Artistic Director of the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) Dance Company greeted a large group of acting and dance students from Queen’s Annes County High School that were accompanied by Kristen Tyler, the Director of the Dance Program at the QACHS. The acting students were from the theater teacher Megan Murry’s acting class.
The Carole Cascio Fund supported the field trip so the students could see a live dance concert by the CCBC Dance Company. The students were able to see the opening day of the concert which included a program of completely new choreography by the CCBC dance instructors Melinda Blomquist, Kristi Schaffen, Tommy Parlon and Guest Choreographer Ephrat Asherie from New York City.
The students had a wonderful time. A few of the students volunteered to be on stage and participate in a new improvisational work by Ms. Schaffen. The students thoroughly enjoyed the program and Ms. Asherie’s premiere of her new hip-hop dance. They also had the opportunity to meet some of the choreographers, dancers, Melinda and Diana after the show.