On Saturday April 22nd, the Carole Cascio Fund (CCF) in collaboration with the Eastern Shore Arts Festival at Chesapeake College sponsored two free masterclasses in the Health Professionals and Athletic Center Dance Studio. The Day of Dance started early with a modern dance technique class taught by Melinda Blomquist, the Artistic Director of the Community College of Baltimore County’s CCBC Dance Company. Next up was CCF teaching artist, Adrienne Kraus Latanishen who taught a hip-hop class.
In the afternoon the Day of Dance performances started with an informal presentation by the CCBC Dance Company on stage at the Todd Center for Performing Arts. The Company presented five new dances choreographed by Peter Pucci, Melinda Blomquist, Adrienne Kraus Latanishen, Alice Howes and Nathaniel Hunt. Under the direction of Kristen Tyler, the Queen Annes County High School Dancers were featured guest artists with the Company performing a newly commissioned dance. The new dance by Melinda, for 17 dancers, was the CCF’s first choreographic commission.
Following the Company performances, five local dance studios presented a wide variety of dances. Mid Shore Dance Academy directed by Shari Smigo and located in Centerville and Easton presented Control, choreographed by Camila McCann.
New Motion Dance Center from Grasonville performed Resilience, choreographed by director Jenna Baker. Directed by Brienne Garland, To The Point Dance Studio from Ridgely followed with Louder Than Words, choreographed by Rorie Garland.
Eastern Shore Dance Academy under the direction of Jessica Hindman presented Symphony choreographed by Ms. Hindman.
The Kavanagh Porter Academy from Annapolis under the direction of Scott Porter finished up the informal presentation with a lively traditional Irish dance called Reel Eire.
It was a wonderful and diverse afternoon of dance with over 80 dancers participating in the Day of Dance performances. Dancers from all over the community got to meet each other, share the stage together, and watch the CCBC Dance Company and other dance studios perform. It was a very successful afternoon of dance. The audience really enjoyed the presentations and the dancers were happy to participate in the first Eastern Shore Arts Festival at the Chesapeake College.