On December 8th The Carole Cascio Fund provided an amazing opportunity for dance and theater students at Kent Island and Queen Anne’s County High Schools to experience a workshop with Far East India Dance Teachers, Deepti Mukund Navile, Gowrie Velayudhapillai & Tulsi Rughoonundun.
Deepti Mukund Navile is originally from Bangalore India where she studied traditional Bharathanatyam style Indian dance. She has been teaching traditional Indian dance for the last 30 years in the Baltimore/DC metropolitan area. Deepti and one of her dancers Tulsi Rughoonundun taught the students many traditional gestures and movements that were over 1000 years old. The students responded really well to the extraordinary movement experience. It was to say the least, a very different and amazing opportunity to work with Deepti, her assistant Gowrie and Tulsi.
Executive Director Peter Pucci worked closely with Michael Bell Supervisor for Instruction for QACPS, Kent Island High School Dance Director, Amber Wright, and Kristen Tyler Dance Director at Queen Anne’s County High School to bring this wonderful opportunity to their dance students. Also, Theater teachers Kevin Reagen at Kent Island High School and Megan Murphy at Queen Anne’s County High were instrumental in bringing in their theater students to experience the workshop.