The Carole Cascio Fund provided several free dance classes taught by Executive Director Peter Pucci and Adrienne Kraus Latanishen.
On Monday November 7th Peter and Adrienne started their week at Queen Anne’s County High School in Centerville working with the Director of the Dance Program Kristen Tyler. Kristen’s class was comprised mostly of students from the Theater Program and some dancers. It was a challenging and different class for the students but a lot of fun! Then on to Chesapeake College on Wednesday and Thursday where Adrienne taught a hip-hop class in the Dance Studio on campus. Students really enjoyed Adrienne’s energetic and enthusiastic approach to teaching hip hop and they were pleased to have dance classes on campus. On Thursday Peter taught a movement class for Rob Thompson’s acting class. Rob is the Director of the Theater Program at Chesapeake College. The actors did a wonderful job and we’re very courageous and with something that was completely different.
Peter and Adrienne finished their dance week on Friday at Kent Island High School in Stevensville. They worked with the Director of the Dance Program Amber Wright and the Director of the Theater Program Kevin Reagan to lay out a plan for the day. There was a morning movement class for athletes from a variety of teams including, football basketball, golf and baseball. The next movement class was for the schools’ cheerleaders and cheer team members. Kevin’s afternoon class was filled with over forty ninth graders that were brought in for the special masterclass combined with some of Amber’s experienced dancers. All of the students really responded well to the classes and had a fun time trying something that was completely new to them. They all did a great job!