The Carole Drake Cascio Bird Donation Wall Sculpture by Cambridge Artist Matt O’Connell is installed on the CCBC Essex Campus at the Carole Drake Cascio Dance Studio East

June 13 2024 – Over the last eight months CCF Trustee Ann Goodman and Executive Director Peter Pucci collaborated with Ann-Marie Thornton at the CCBC Foundation and CCBC’s Anne Lefter, Director of the Arts, to bring to the life a unique donation wall bird sculpture. The sculpture was designed by Matt O’Connell and loosely based […]

The Carole Cascio Fund provides a transformative workshop experience taught by Traditional Chinese Dancer Rose Xinran Qi for students at Queen Anne’s County & Kent Island High Schools

CCF Executive Peter Pucci with Kent Island High School Dance Teacher Amber Wright and her dance students with QACPS Supervisor for Instruction Michael Bell on the right. Rose Xinran Qi on knee in front row in black.

On April 22 , 2024, students from both Queen Annes County High School (QACHS) and Kent Island High School (KIHS) were treated to a transformative experience as they participated in a Classical Chinese Dance Masterclass led by Rose Xinran Qi. This invaluable opportunity was made possible through the collaborative efforts of Michael Bell and Queen […]

The Carole Cascio Fund For Mind Movement Dance Connections sponsored another Day of Dance

Day of Dance April 2023

Choreographer Melinda Blomquist works with the Queen Annes County High School Dancers On Saturday April 22nd, the Carole Cascio Fund (CCF) in collaboration with the Eastern Shore Arts Festival at Chesapeake College sponsored two free masterclasses in the Health Professionals and Athletic Center Dance Studio. The Day of Dance started early with a modern dance […]

Carole Cascio Fund Sponsors A Day of Dance at Chesapeake College

Carole Cascio Fund Day of Dance Fall 2022

Over 50 dancers gathered on stage at the Todd Performing Arts Center at Chesapeake College on November 12 for a Day of Dance sponsored by the Carole Cascio Fund for Mind Movement Dance Connections. Melinda Blomquist the Artistic Director of the Community College of Baltimore Dance (CCBC) Program & Dance Company taught a Modern Dance […]

Carole Cascio Fund October Event Was a Big Success

Carole Cascio Fund October 2022 Fundraiser

The Gathering to Celebrate Carole Cascio’s contributions to the community and to benefit her newly formed foundation went beautifully. It was a spectacular sunny fall day at the Mark Cascia Vineyards in Stevensville. Mark and Kim Cascia old friends of Carole’s were our gracious hosts. Many of Carole’s friends were there to help celebrate her […]

A Celebration of Life to Honor Carole Drake Cascio

Photo of Carole Tribute video on stage

The CCBC Performing Arts Program directed by Anne Lefter and the CCBC Dance Company presented performances and videos for A Celebration of Life to honor Carole Drake Cascio’s contributions to the CCBC Dance Program. The Dance Company revived one of Carole’s many dances that she created for the company, Black Dust. The dancers did a […]

Official Launch of the Carole Cascio Fund Mind Movement Dance Connections

Melinda Blomquist and Peter Pucci

From the stage of the F Scott Black Theatre where Carole Drake Cascio directed hundreds of dance performances and lecture demonstrations over her twenty seven year career, newly appointed Executive Director Peter Pucci officially launched the Carole Cascio Fund Mind Movement Dance Connections on April 29, 2022. With the current Director of the Dance Company […]

CCF Donates Five of Carole’s Artworks to the CCBC’s Permanent Art Collection

Carole Cascio Artwork Donated to CCBC's permanent art collection

Nicole Buckingham Kern the Gallery Coordinator for the permanent collection was delighted and happy to receive the works. She intentionally chose a wide variety of works to show Carole’s versatility as artist. The college was thrilled and honored to have Carole’s work be a part of the collection. The five newly acquired works were displayed […]