The Carole Drake Cascio Bird Donation Wall Sculpture by Cambridge Artist Matt O’Connell is installed on the CCBC Essex Campus at the Carole Drake Cascio Dance Studio East

June 13 2024 – Over the last eight months CCF Trustee Ann Goodman and Executive Director Peter Pucci collaborated with Ann-Marie Thornton at the CCBC Foundation and CCBC’s Anne Lefter, Director of the Arts, to bring to the life a unique donation wall bird sculpture. The sculpture was designed by Matt O’Connell and loosely based […]

The Carole Cascio Fund provides a transformative workshop experience taught by Traditional Chinese Dancer Rose Xinran Qi for students at Queen Anne’s County & Kent Island High Schools

CCF Executive Peter Pucci with Kent Island High School Dance Teacher Amber Wright and her dance students with QACPS Supervisor for Instruction Michael Bell on the right. Rose Xinran Qi on knee in front row in black.

On April 22 , 2024, students from both Queen Annes County High School (QACHS) and Kent Island High School (KIHS) were treated to a transformative experience as they participated in a Classical Chinese Dance Masterclass led by Rose Xinran Qi. This invaluable opportunity was made possible through the collaborative efforts of Michael Bell and Queen […]